Una serie de casualidades
me llevaron a la libreria Laie en el CaixaForum de Barcelona.
Intuía que allí iba a encontrar algo.
Poco antes de encontrar aquel libro,
ya sabia que estaría allí.
Poco después, ya en casa,
sus pinturas y sus textos me embriagaron,
anudaron mi pecho.
Gracias por tu noche estrellada,
azul, hermosa y solitaria
azul, hermosa y solitaria
por la luz de tu faro,
a la orilla del mar nocturno
a la orilla del mar nocturno
por la magia de tu poesía,
entre delfines y ballenas.
entre delfines y ballenas.
Después sentí que en aquel preciso instante,
todo era perfecto.
De hecho, todo es perfecto ahora.
everything is perfect now - i held my breath
everything is perfect now - you held my hand
everything is perfect now - moving away
everything is perfect now - further from land
everything is perfect now - the stars were bright
everything is perfect now - the water clear
everything is perfect now - i felt your heat
everything is perfect now - as you swam near
everything is perfect now
everything is perfect now - you held my hand
everything is perfect now - moving away
everything is perfect now - further from land
everything is perfect now - the stars were bright
everything is perfect now - the water clear
everything is perfect now - i felt your heat
everything is perfect now - as you swam near
everything is perfect now
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